Have found for now is the very poor optimization, and how certain assets can really be slow to run even if you have a PC with great specs. As the game is custom friendly you may create your own assets too. You may find dozens if not hundreds of custom made ship by players in the official developer website or around the web. This realistic ship simulator features huge customization and open source content in order to give you the possibility to edit the game and add whatever content you like. This is the perfect game for any ma ritime enthusiast. Virtual Sailor NG Pre-installed Game Download Virtual Sailor NG includes a built in scenery and vehicle designer, making it much simpler for users to create and share content than ever before.The simple yet powerful vehicle design makes Virtual Sailor NG an excellent learning tool and also a powerful preliminary design tool. Physical simulation, and a totally flexible vehicle design. The game has a much denser scenery than the previous games, more advanced It is based upon Vehicle Simulator and Virtual Sailor, previous simulators made by Ilan, and combines them into one newer, more advanced and flexible program.

Virtual Sailor NG was created by Ilan Papini, its first version released in July 2021.

This simulator allows you to sail where ever you wish, to explore and customize your boats and to train yourself on all forms of sailing. Virtual Sailor NG in an open world sailing simulator, having accurate physics and marine dynamics. Virtual Sailor NG Free Download pc game in a pre- installeddirect link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam Virtual Sailor NG Free Download