You can activate your subscription on the number of devices you specified when making the purchase. The expiration date of your subscription is available in Menu ▸ My subscriptions or in your Avast Account. If activation is unsuccessful, refer to the Still need help? section in this article. Your Avast Premium Security subscription is now active. The products you selected are installed and activated automatically. If more than one product is associated with your activation code, click Install next to each product you want to install.

Type or paste your activation code (including hyphens) into the text box, then click Activate.Open Avast Security, then go to Menu ▸ My subscriptions.For detailed instructions, refer to the following article: The code is included in your order confirmation email. To activate Avast Premium Security using an activation code: Your chosen activation method: Enter activation code After installing Avast Premium Security, you may need to manually activate your subscription. Avast Premium Security for Mac is a paid product that requires a subscription to use.