Once selected, tick the Ascending output assignment box in order to automatically assign each new channel to the next available output.1 and are used by the existing default stereo Output). If this is the first time you configure Kontakt for multiple outputs in Cubase, the first unused output will be named Kt. In the Soundcard / Host output drop-down menu, select the first unused output.In our example, we want to route KONTAKT to a total of 8 stereo output channels, so we choose a Quantity of 7 and a Number of channels of 2. 1 for a mono configuration, or 2 for a stereo configuration. Number of channels lets you choose the channel configuration of all new Outputs, e.g. Select the Quantity of new master channels you want to add by clicking the Quantity field and dragging the mouse up or down.Click the ' +' button to display the Outputs options dialog. The Outputs section is now displayed at the bottom of KONTAKT's GUI, in the lower half of the Rack space.Once KONTAKT's GUI is displayed in Cubase, tick Outputs in KONTAKT's Workspace menu to display the Outputs section.

You will have to configure the Output section separately for each of these VST versions of KONTAKT 5.

Important note: Kontakt 5, Kontakt 16 out and Kontakt 8 out are considered as three separate plug-ins by Cubase. Select Cancel to skip this, or Create to add the MIDI track. Before loading KONTAKT as a plug-in, Cubase will ask you if you want to create a MIDI track assigned to KONTAKT.Note: The Kontakt 5 instance offers a total amount of 64 output channels, Kontakt 5 16out a total of 16 output channels, and Kontakt 8out a total of 8 output channels. In the appearing VST Instruments window, click on Rack and select Kontakt 5, Kontakt 5 16out or Kontakt 8out, depending on the number of audio channels you want to use.In Cubase versions prior to 9.5, you will find VST Instruments in the Devices menu.

Click on Studio in the Cubase menu bar and choose VST Instruments to display the VST Instruments Rack.If using KONTAKT 6, simply choose the plug-in labeled "Kontakt" and follow this guide. Note: These instructions apply to all recent versions of KONTAKT. Routing the Instruments to Separate Outputs in KONTAKT.Creating Instrument Output Channels for KONTAKT in Cubase.You will be guided through the required steps to achieve this: Each of the channels can then be processed and mixed in Cubase individually. This article explains how to route audio from each Instrument loaded in KONTAKT's Rack to separate channels of the Cubase mixer.